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From FAHB Lab RA to Manager, Mover, and Shaker: Spotlight on Michelle Sherbon, BCBA

Michelle was a FAHB Lab Member from 2013-2015. After graduation Michelle continued to pursue her interest in working with individuals with severe problem behavior where she worked as a Clinical Supervisor for the Shabani Institute in Lakeside, CA. In October 2016 Michelle moved to Oregon to continue to work with individuals with aggressive and self injurious problem behavior helping to establish the first Intensive Behavior Unit (IBU) in the state of Oregon through Western Psychological Counseling Services. She currently oversees the IBU Program supervising the BCBAs and interns in that department. Western's ABA services are very unique in structure as they only hire BCBAs and interns pursuing their coursework and supervision hours to become BCBAs. Her daily job responsibilities include the oversight of assessment of problem behavior through the use of functional analysis, supervision of treatment plans, assistance with crisis management moments and programs, and assurance of high quality of care and supervision.

In addition to managing the Intensive Behavior Unit, Michelle also is striving to push the field of ABA forward in Oregon. She closely works with Oregon Institute of Technology by guest lecturing for class as well as co-leading an exam prep class for students sitting for the BACB exam. Her program provides internship opportunities for OIT students seeking to acquire supervision hours for the BACB. Michelle is also very involved with the Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (ORABA). She is currently on their Conference Planning Committee and previously served as a discussant for a symposium on Function Analysis at the ORABA annual conference. Michelle will be leading an FA workshop through ORABA in the summer of 2019.

From overseeing the severe behavior clinic to being involved with ORABA Michelle's love for ABA is clear to all around her. If you ask Michelle what she enjoys most of her job is she will respond with a two fold answer- seeing the impact on clients lives as well as the skills interns are acquiring everyday. "When you get to see the difference you are making in the lives of others, that being clients, parents, BCBAs, or interns- each day takes on new meaning. You start to understand the importance you as an individual have on shaping the lives of others through the science of behavior."

Photo: Michelle (second from right) and her colleagues at ORABA

Michelle (second from right) and colleagues at ORABA

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