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Fall 2017 Research Lab Blog!

Teamwork hands

Hello, hello. This semester, our team is excited to start several new research projects. Read below for some info!

Project: Screening behavioral risk factors and preventing the development of problem behavior in at-risk youth

Principal Investigators: Emily Tierman, Jasmine Poetry, Tara Fahmie

Summary: Our lab is extending functional analysis methodology to screen for behavioral risk factors in preschool-aged children who are at-risk for the development of problem behavior. This project combines the designs of Fahmie, Iwata, and Mead (2016) and Luczynski and Hanley (2013) to establish experimental control both within- and between-subjects. We will be tracking the severity of problem behavior across the course of the school year in two preschool classrooms. We also will be providing preventive interventions in a group-based format using behavioral skills training.

Project: A comparison of competitive and cooperative contingencies in group social-skills training for youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Principal Investigators: Carissa Basile, Ellie Hernandez, Tara Fahmie

Summary: Our lab is conducting weekly social skills groups for 7-8 year old individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The groups are designed to embed frequent opportunities for social skills practice within fun activities that have a cooperative (everyone on the same team) or competitive (two teams competing) objective. The purpose of this study is to compare the efficacy of, and preference for, these two types of group objectives.

Project: Extension of a laboratory model to evaluate factors influencing the emergence and prevention of problem behavior

Principal Investigators: Anne Macaskill, Ellie Hernandez, Ellie Kazemi, Tara Fahmie

Summary: This study is a direct extension of previous work from our lab (Fahmie, Macaskill, Kazemi, & Elmer, in press). We are using a laboratory model to simulate conditions that may result in the emergence and prevention of severe problem behavior. Undergraduate research assistants will serve as participants and we will use a group design to test the preventive efficacy of several common behavioral interventions.

Project: An evaluation of the effects of gamification in an online, undergraduate course on pre-professional development in Psychology

Principal Investigatorys: Debra Berry Malmberg, Tara Fahmie

Summary: This study is a culmination of a course re-design project in which Drs. Malmberg and Fahmie moved the PSY 301 course (Pre-Professional Development) fully online. In an attempt to increase engagement and overall satisfaction in the online-learning environment, we "gamified" the course, adding a story-line, badges, levels, and more.

We are also excited to welcome three new graduate research assistants to our team! Visit our "About the Team" page to read about Amanda Garcia, Krysta Russo, and Rima Hamawe!!

6902 Pine Street, Omaha NE

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